Water Works Unlimited Inc.

What You Need to Know About Landscape Lighting in Winter
Wednesday, November 30th 2022, 3:40 PM

Does the Cold Affect Outdoor Lighting?

Wake Forest, United States - November 30, 2022 / Water Works Unlimited Inc. /

Depending on the type of lighting you use in your home or industrial space, the cold can have a different effect on your outdoor lighting system. When it comes to winter outdoor lighting, LEDs are the preferred choice. Traditional and fluorescent bulbs perform poorly in cold weather. Meanwhile, LEDs are often superior since they are made to be more robust, long-lasting, and efficient than traditional bulbs. This is particularly true in winter when temperature decreases quickly and affects most bulbs. Read on to learn how the cold affects the performance of LED and conventional bulbs.

1. Efficiency

In the winter, traditional lights require a little more time to warm up and turn on. This can be a problem, especially in commercial situations where people need light to function safely. On the other hand, LEDs perform the same way in the cold as in any different setting. This translates to lighting that uses less energy and produces fewer carbon emissions while also costing less because they consume much less electricity. For the power they need, LEDs emit light efficiently and offer the best outdoor lighting. They are the ideal option for darker winter settings such as pathway lighting because they are brighter than traditional bulbs.

2. Lifespan

LED technology offers a longer lifespan, saving homeowners the time and money they would have otherwise spent on replacements. Conventional bulbs are prone to damage from the cold, especially when they are exposed to it directly. Exterior fixtures such as pathway lighting, architectural lighting, and deck and patio lighting fall under this category. Due to their excessive heat production, they burst as the temperature drops. Since LED lights don't heat up and can survive temperature changes, they are immune to these issues.

Burned-out bulb replacement can be expensive and cumbersome. It is a smart decision that will save you a ton of time and money to switch to new LED outdoor lighting before the colder months arrive. Water Works Unlimited Inc. can help you with landscape lighting installation using LEDs so you are prepared for winter.

3. Lumen Output

Lumen is the measure of a light source's performance, which is the unit used to quantify how much a lightbulb generates visible light. A light's lumen rating increases with brightness. Studies have shown that LED deterioration is reduced when installed in cold situations, and lumen output increases. Modern LEDs have specific features like heat sinks that direct excess electrical heat away from the driver to prevent heat-related brightness degradation. Therefore, LEDs are the best choice for landscape lighting, especially in the winter.

4. Maintenance

If you switch to LEDs, your landscape lighting will no longer need replacements every six months. This is crucial in the winter when climbing a ladder can be quite challenging due to the harsh weather. It might be difficult or even dangerous to gain access to exterior fittings. Changing bulbs becomes a chore that can be easily avoided when chilly weather or snow is present. By outfitting your outdoor space with LEDs, you may prevent the headache of replacing burned-out lights before the cold weather season.

Landscape Lighting Installation and Maintenance in the Winter

It can be easy to overlook your outdoor lighting system when it's freezing outside. Unfortunately, your outdoor lighting system is most vulnerable during the winter. It may be harmed by winter activity, rain or snow, and temperature changes. Moreover, ignoring a minor issue can only result in more significant issues down the road.

As mentioned, you are making a wise investment if you upgrade to LED lights before the colder months arrive. Call Water Works Unlimited Inc. at (919) 570-7808 to install premium LED landscape lighting in your home or business in Raleigh, NC. We can also help you develop a maintenance plan to protect your outdoor lighting from the freezing weather.

Contact Information:

Water Works Unlimited Inc.

2720 Burlington Mills Rd
Wake Forest, NC 27587
United States

Ed Mutio
(919) 570-7808

Original Source: https://waterworksunltd.com/does-the-cold-affect-outdoor-lighting/


Water Conservation Through Efficient Irrigation Since 1996


Ed Mutio
Water Works Unlimited Inc.

2720 Burlington Mills Rd
Wake Forest, NC, 27587, United States

E-Mail services@waterworksunltd.net

Phone (919) 570-7808


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